Adam 8 Months


Adam 8 Months

(Height & weight unknown. We forgot to measure this month. No doctor appointment to do it for us.)

This month our little guy has been busy. He’s officially crawling! Most of the time he’s been doing an army crawl, but later in the month he has really picked up the pace and has been cruising across the living room surprisingly quickly. 


He has also conquered sitting up on his own from any position. That has made a huge difference in the way he plays and moves. We had to lower his crib for the first time since he was reaching over the edge with his new ability. 

He reaches for me or Marco more deliberately. That just warms my heart. 

Adam has been a little chatter box with the baby talk. No real words yet (For us a real first word is going to be something repeatable and referring to something tangible and meaning it.) But we always think we hear one now and then. Mostly a lot of “Ba Ba Boo Maa” noises. And of course growling like a monster. One of this favorite things to do. 


He still loves chasing Hops around the house and we often catch the two of them sharing a little moment together. It is just adorable when Adam reaches his hand down to Hops from his walker and Hops licks his fingers. It makes Adam giggle. 

We also catch them sharing food. Mostly Adam holding out fruit for Hops to lick. Gross. 

Adam HATES getting his diaper changed and will flip, kick, and cry almost the whole time. We keep having to give him new toys to hold and look at just to get a new diaper on him. This little guy does not want to lay on his back anymore. All he wants to do is crawl and explore.
