Dog Swim

At the end of every season, just before they are going to drain the community pool, all of the neighborhood dogs are invited to have a two hour pool party. How could we not go?!

It was an official event requiring registration and proof of a rabies vaccination. There was even someone always manning the entrance gate to ensure that no dogs escaped.

All of the dogs were allowed in the pool, but they mostly ran around together through the surrounding lawn. (You can spot the occasional floating lab in the video.) We plopped Hops into the shallow end of the pool a few times. He loves swimming but it was a little busy with all of the big dogs diving into the water.

At one point, there had to have been about 50 dogs there. Since we don’t live near an official dog park, this was the first time Hops has been around more than three or four other dogs at once. He had a blast and was very popular with the humans.

It was a perfect fall afternoon spent with our community, watching kids and dogs play together in the warm sun on the last day before the final symbol of summer is closed for the season.